Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Reasoning With Gay Activists

One argument the gay community uses in favor of homosexual marriage is that it is only fair that they get the same government benefits as heterosexual married couples. But shouldn't we first ask ourselves why we (our government) provide benefits to help heterosexual married couples.

The reason is that heterosexual marriages are a benefit to our society and community, primarily through having and raising children. Who bears the major portion of the cost of raising children? The heterosexual married couple. In addition, married people put less of a burden on community services--for example they have fewer medical problems.

But if we allowed homosexuals to marry, wouldn't that also result in a benefit as a result of their lower medical costs? After all, isn't it the stress of being persecuted that causes homosexuals to have the high rate of medical problems they do have? No. The facts tell a different story. Both in The Netherlands, where homosexual marriage is legal, and in San Fransisco where homosexuality is openly accepted, the rate of homosexual health problems is greater. The scientific facts show that the higher the level of homosexual activity, the more health problems result--and the higher the cost to society.

Homosexual marriage is not a benefit to society, but an activity that puts a drag on and pulls down society.


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