Think About The Things You Don't Think About
In America today some things are just accepted as being normal. They have become such a normal part of our lives that we don't think about them--yet they are are horrible sins which God hates. Take a moment and think about the things you generally just accept without thinking.
DIVORCE - Half of the new marriages in America will end in divorce. Divorce is accepted as normal in America. If we "make a mistake" and marry the wrong person, it's easy to get divorced and start over. But what does God say about divorce.
God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16). The Bible tells us divorce is allowed only in the very limited situation in which a non-Christian spouse leaves the marriage. However, even in that case neither person may get married again until the other dies. To get married again means you are committing adultery.
PREMARITAL SEX - Having a sexual relationship outside of marriage is common in America. We thing nothing of it. Most people don't even recognize that a sexual relationship outside of marriage is wrong. Hey, if it feels good, why not do it! Because it is wrong; it lessens the quality of your marriage (when you get married); it promotes the spread of diseases (STDs); it is destroying the family. God knows what is good for us and what is not good for us. Those things that are not good for us He has told us not to do.
The evil slowly piles up, clouding our minds so we don't see it. The secular world tries to decieve us by saying there is no such thing as a slipperly slope. But I see: Abortion. Divorce. Premarital sex. Pornography. And now homosexual marriage. I see us already a good way down the slippy slope, and we continue to gain speed as we move away from God.
DIVORCE - Half of the new marriages in America will end in divorce. Divorce is accepted as normal in America. If we "make a mistake" and marry the wrong person, it's easy to get divorced and start over. But what does God say about divorce.
God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16). The Bible tells us divorce is allowed only in the very limited situation in which a non-Christian spouse leaves the marriage. However, even in that case neither person may get married again until the other dies. To get married again means you are committing adultery.
PREMARITAL SEX - Having a sexual relationship outside of marriage is common in America. We thing nothing of it. Most people don't even recognize that a sexual relationship outside of marriage is wrong. Hey, if it feels good, why not do it! Because it is wrong; it lessens the quality of your marriage (when you get married); it promotes the spread of diseases (STDs); it is destroying the family. God knows what is good for us and what is not good for us. Those things that are not good for us He has told us not to do.
The evil slowly piles up, clouding our minds so we don't see it. The secular world tries to decieve us by saying there is no such thing as a slipperly slope. But I see: Abortion. Divorce. Premarital sex. Pornography. And now homosexual marriage. I see us already a good way down the slippy slope, and we continue to gain speed as we move away from God.
Great post. We are, in the course of our life, in the training wheel stage. God is standing right there, gently offering instructions. Except we ignore His instructions and insist on riding the bike seated backwards and at top speed down a steep hill with our feet in the air! Unfortunately, if everyone's doing the same thing, it's not a pretty sight. Catastrophe.
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