What Is Sin?
Christians are getting concerned about gay marriage, and they should be. But, we should have started getting concerned about sin long ago. Sin is disobeying God and God says that if we disobey Him in the smallest thing it is the same as disobeying Him in all things.
In addition to gay marriage, Christians should be doing something about:
Divorce - not allowed except in a very limited circumstance
Adultary - we all know its wrong, but the church does not seem to care
Pornography - 50% of the men in a typical church use pornography
Running Red Lights - this violates Romans chapter 13
Exceeding the Speed Limit - this also violates Romans 13
This last two seem like "minor" things - what harm is there? The harm is that according to Romans 13 they are a sin and, secondly, by showing they we can do what we feel is right in our own eyes (instead of obeying the law) it can be extended to mean we can doing anything we want. The attitude that breaking traffic laws is okay is what leads to the attitude that gay marriage, pornography, divorce, etc. is okay.
In addition to gay marriage, Christians should be doing something about:
Divorce - not allowed except in a very limited circumstance
Adultary - we all know its wrong, but the church does not seem to care
Pornography - 50% of the men in a typical church use pornography
Running Red Lights - this violates Romans chapter 13
Exceeding the Speed Limit - this also violates Romans 13
This last two seem like "minor" things - what harm is there? The harm is that according to Romans 13 they are a sin and, secondly, by showing they we can do what we feel is right in our own eyes (instead of obeying the law) it can be extended to mean we can doing anything we want. The attitude that breaking traffic laws is okay is what leads to the attitude that gay marriage, pornography, divorce, etc. is okay.
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