Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Committed Gay Relationshis

Some say that when the Bible condemned homosexuality, it was talking about the wild, drunken sex parties that took place in pagan temples. Some say that homosexuality in the first century was not like it is now. They say that back then it was an individual act that might happen at a party. But now it is a committed, loving relationship between two people. The problem is that those who say this, some of whom even have advanced degrees, have not taken the time to study history, or they limit their study of history to what support' the belifs they wish were true.

The truth is that committed homosexual relationships have been around for 1000's of years. For example, to train soldiers the Spartans (Greece) placed almost all of their young boys in the soldier's barracks with men. One older man would take on a boy and become his teacher, mentor and lover. The problem for the Spartans was that these were such committed relationships that they young men did not want to leave their homosexual lovers in the barracks and marry women. The homosexual relationships did not produce children, and children were necessary to meet the constant need for soldiers.

The solution was that the woman selected to be a young man's wife would cut her hair and dress up to look like a man. She'd entice her new husband away from the barracks and into her bed. Sometimes she had to do this several times before her husband stayed with her instead of returning to his lover in the barracks. But eventually most young men stayed with their wifes and a future generation of soldiers was assured.

These homosexual relationships were very committed relationships. Some men never left their homosexual lovers for a wife. The point being, God knew what a committed homosexual relationship was when He inspired the writing of the Bible. There is no doubt, the condemnation of homosexuality in the Bible applies at ALL homosexual acts.


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