Friday, May 21, 2004

Everyone Did As He Saw Fit

"...everyone did as he saw fit." - Judges 17:6

When the Bible says this, it is not a good thing. But this is what we are doing today.

The Bible is plain and understandable in what it says. Yes, it is also very deep--the more you learn about the Bible, the more you learn how little you know--but, its message is clear. And when you do need help interpreting what the Bible says, what is the best source for help with interpretation? The Bible itself.

But what do we do? We say the Bible must be interpreted by our culture.

"...everyone did as he saw fit." - Judges 21:25

Since when was our culture inspired by God? Culture is a creation of man. As soon as we say our culture should effect how we interpret scripture, we remove God from scripture and replace Him with ourselves. Why would we do this?

We do this so that we can do what we want to do, and ignore the creator of the universe.

That's a bad move. The results are: for every two marriages there is one divorce; pornography everywhere; gay marriage; school shootings; lonely elderly people; hunger; homelessness; untreated illness and more. Instead of being nurished by the Word of God, the diseases of our culture become the diseases of our lives.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Your blog is so right on the mark. I've never read anything like this. Thank you for not being afraid to plainly talk about the truth. I can see how the culture has deceived me into not paying attention to the Bible. I've been listening to the evening news and not God's word. Thank you!

Saturday, May 22, 2004 10:30:00 AM  

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