Saturday, May 15, 2004

We All Know The Truth

I was thinking today: All religions have some truth in them. Although inspired by Satan, the Book of Morman has some truth in it. Although inspired by Satan, the Koran has some truth in it, and some valuable teaching.

Then I thought, why is it that Muslims who read this will get upset because I've said the Koran was inspired by Satan, not Allah? If a non-Christian told me the Bible was inspired by Satan, I wouldn't be angry. I'd be sad that they were unsaved. I'd talk about God's Word with them and I'd pray for them. My confidence in the inspired word of God in the Bible can not be shaken by the an unbeliever's evaluation.

Yet many Muslin's reactions to the above statement about the Koran would be anger, and in some cases they have imposed a death sentence (remember the book Satanic Verses?). Why?

God has put a "hole" in us that only He can fill. God has put the knowledge of truth in every one of us. (See Jeremiah 31:33b and Romans 1:18-19) Could it be that because Muslims know, in their unconscience mind, the truth of the statement "the Koran was inspired by Satan", that to protect what they want to believe they must STRONGLY deny and fight the truth.

I find that those who know the truth, and are confident in their knowledge of truth, have an internal peace. Yes, we will defend our beliefs, but when people chose not to believe we are sad and we pray for them. Those who believe in something that is not the truth, but they want it to be the truth, go to every extreme to defend their beliefs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting. I had not thought about this. You make sense.

Saturday, May 15, 2004 8:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Non-believers are often driven to anger by truthful talk about Jesus. And they're not even sure why. They will give you an emotional reason instead of a logical one. And usually it starts with how they view Christians, not with the Truth itself. Like you mentioned in your other post, it's of utmost importance that Christians walk the walk.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004 1:08:00 PM  

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