Monday, May 17, 2004

Think About Who God Is

In America nearly all of us claim to be Christian. But the reality is that there are more Christians in China than in America. The largest church in the world is in South Korea. African churches are sending missionaries to America.

What makes a Christian? Who is a Christian? The answer is those who believe in Jesus Christ. This does not mean believe that Jesus was a great teacher or an outstanding moral leader. This means believe that Jesus Christ IS GOD, our Lord and our Savior.

Think about it. Who is God?

God is the creator of the universe. God spoke and the universe was created from nothing, including us. Wow!

God knows us. Everything about us. He knows your thoughts. He knows everything you've done. Nothing is hidden from God.

So what does this have to do with American's claiming to be Christian? Our Christianity is shown by our actions. The Bible calls it "our fruit". If you truly accept God as the creator of the universe, how can you ignore Him? That's what most American's do. Ignore God or create God in their own image.

Do you go to church more than twice a year? Most American's don't. Do you believe the Bible (the word of God) is true? Most American's don't. Do you believe you'll go to heaven because you've been good, or at least not all that bad (after all, you've never murdered anyone). Most American's do believe this--and that's a problem because the Bible teaches us that our good works do not get us into heaven. Over 200 times in the New Testament the Bible says that salvation is through FAITH, not good works.

In the Bible God has told us who He is, why He created us and what He wants us to do. How can we ignore God? Are you ignoring God?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for your blog. I'm glad someone is saying what you are saying. We have been ignoring God for a long time, and moving further and further away from God over the past 100 years. Just like you say, most people think they are Christians, but really aren't. Please pray for America. We need God more than we have ever needed Him.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004 4:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent post. The central tenet of faith, or belief, in Christ is powerful. In that rests our eternal salvation (as you previously noted the thief who believed upon Jesus at the Crucifixion) or an eternity separated from the Creator of the universe. God has allowed us, His Creation, to exercise an incredible choice. As a human race we have chosen unwisely, ever since the Garden of Eden. God has given us a life so great that we sometimes only see the Self, especially in the modernized first world. You pointed to China, Africa, South Korea: there, the people know their limitations; they've come face to face with oppression. Like the very first man, we continue to look to ourself first rather than God Almighty.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004 8:30:00 PM  

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