Thursday, January 05, 2006

The World As We Know It Is Ending

There was an interesting opinion article by Mark Steyn in yesterday's Wall Street Journal. The basic premise of the article is, "Much of what we loosely call the Western world will not survive this century, and much of it will effectively disappear within our lifetimes, including many if not most Western European countries."

Mr. Steyn points out that: " ...a famous Arnold Toynbee quote puts it: "Civilizations die from suicide, not murder"--as can be seen throughout much of "the Western world" right now. The progressive agenda--lavish social welfare, abortion, secularism, multiculturalism--is collectively the real suicide bomb."

The problem, as Mr. Steyn points out, is that the western world, by turning away from Christianity, has given up its best defenses against the 7th century culture of Islam. Mr. Steym quotes Philip Longman who in his book "The Empty Cradle" asks: "So where will the children of the future come from? Increasingly they will come from people who are at odds with the modern world. Such a trend, if sustained, could drive human culture off its current market-driven, individualistic, modernist course, gradually creating an anti-market culture dominated by fundamentalism--a new Dark Ages."

Read the complete article: It's the Demography, Stupid - The real reason the West is in danger of extinction.
by Mark Steyn

This is an important article, with an excellent insight into what is happening in our world. I highly recommend reading it.


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