Clip Out One Bible Verse To End Christianity
H.G. Wells was a Darwinist who was so committed to evolution that he was a lifelong advocate for eugenics. Eugenics involves killing off or sterilization those who are "unfit". For H.G. Wells this meant "inferior "people and "races" such as "the diseased, deformed and insane, ... those swarms of blacks, and brown, and dirty-white and yellow people.. will have to go."
H.G. Wells was a hard-core atheist who believed intellectuals and scientists should run the world. But he understood Christianity very well. He knew that if Genesis, and in particular if the account of the fall of mankind, was not true, Christianity ceases to exist. If you take just one verse out of the Bible, Genesis 3:6, Christianity no longer exists. In "Anticipations of the Reactions of Mechanical and Scientific Progress Upon Human Life and Though (1902, page 163) H.G. Wells wrote:
"Darwinism destroyed the dogma of the Fall upon which the whole intellectual fabric of Christianity rests. For without a Fall there is no redemption and the whole story and meaning of the Pauline system is vain."
Wells then noted the effect Darwinian science was having on Christianity, in that it resulted in the loss of "the very habit of thought from which the belief in a Fall arose."
H. G. Wells has very clearly articulated the purpose of Darwinism and evolution. It is not to reveal truth, but to destroy Christianity. We see this over and over in the actions of Darwinian scientists who ignore scientific facts and data that don't agree with Darwinism, and fudge and enhance their results to make them agree with what is required Darwinian theory.
Christianity is based on truth, and just like science is supposed to do, following the truth wherever it leads. If as Christians we give up truth, with have denied and turned away from the very center of our faith, Jesus Christ. Jesus did not just tell the truth, he WAS the truth.
"Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life.'" - John 14:6
Another problem H. G. Wells had with Christianity was that he realized that Christianity does not see humanity divided into races by skin color or physical features. To Christians all people are of one blood. We all trace our ancestry to Noah and his family. We are all brothers and sisters.
H.G. Wells was a hard-core atheist who believed intellectuals and scientists should run the world. But he understood Christianity very well. He knew that if Genesis, and in particular if the account of the fall of mankind, was not true, Christianity ceases to exist. If you take just one verse out of the Bible, Genesis 3:6, Christianity no longer exists. In "Anticipations of the Reactions of Mechanical and Scientific Progress Upon Human Life and Though (1902, page 163) H.G. Wells wrote:
"Darwinism destroyed the dogma of the Fall upon which the whole intellectual fabric of Christianity rests. For without a Fall there is no redemption and the whole story and meaning of the Pauline system is vain."
Wells then noted the effect Darwinian science was having on Christianity, in that it resulted in the loss of "the very habit of thought from which the belief in a Fall arose."
H. G. Wells has very clearly articulated the purpose of Darwinism and evolution. It is not to reveal truth, but to destroy Christianity. We see this over and over in the actions of Darwinian scientists who ignore scientific facts and data that don't agree with Darwinism, and fudge and enhance their results to make them agree with what is required Darwinian theory.
Christianity is based on truth, and just like science is supposed to do, following the truth wherever it leads. If as Christians we give up truth, with have denied and turned away from the very center of our faith, Jesus Christ. Jesus did not just tell the truth, he WAS the truth.
"Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life.'" - John 14:6
Another problem H. G. Wells had with Christianity was that he realized that Christianity does not see humanity divided into races by skin color or physical features. To Christians all people are of one blood. We all trace our ancestry to Noah and his family. We are all brothers and sisters.
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