Saturday, October 29, 2005

Can You Identify This Beast?

Today we have a quiz. Can you identify the animal/beast the following describes?

He feeds on grass like an ox (vegetarian).

He has incredible physical strength and power.

He has a tail that is like a cedar tree that he swings back and forth. (That's a huge tail!)

His bones are very strong, as though they were made from tubes of bronze.

His limbs are as strong as rods of iron.

He lives in marshes and watery places, keeping his body submerged and hiding among the plants.

He is so large that if he is in a river when there is a raging flood, it does not bother him.

What animal does this describe? It sounds like a dinosaur. Maybe a Brachiosaurus, or possibly a Supersaurus or Ultrasaurus (both are recently discovered huge dinosaurs). It certainly isn't an animal we have around today. An elephant, for example, is very large, but its tail is very small. So I think, without question, this is a description of a very large dinosaur.

Where does this description come from? The Bible. Job 40:15-24.

Some may say this is a description of a mytholigical creature. But, that explantation just does not work.

This description is in a section of the Bible in which God is listing things Job is familiar with in order to get him to understand how powerful and great He is. Starting in chapter 38 God lists things He can do (and Job can not), and things He has created and which are subject to Him. These are everyday things Job is very familiar with. Mountains; a sunrise; the miracle of birth; goats; donkeys; deer; a dinosaur; oxen.

To call this a description of a mythological creature does not fit with what God is doing here.

For example, does it make sense for God to give a list of real things, and then drop a mythical creature into the middle that list? It would be a list like:

1 Real thing Job has seen.
2 Real thing Job has seen.
3 Real thing Job has seen.
4 Real thing Job has seen.
5 A creature that does not exist.
6 Real thing Job has seen.
7 Real thing Job has seen....

God is telling Job to look around him and see the power and glory of God. If God included a mythical creature in the middle of a list of real things, He would immediately lose all credibility with Job. God would be a liar. Instead of proving His power and glory, God would be showing Himself to be so weak that He needed to lie.

In addition, the point of including this description of a dinosaur is not to describe a dinosaur. That God is describing a dinosaur is incidental to the point being made. God is describing a series of things Job is familiar with, and this large dinosaur just happens to be a part of that list. Of course, this means that people and dinosaurs were living together at that time, as Job was apparently familiar with this dinosaur.

Dinosaurs are mentioned or described in the Bible over fifty times. Dinosaurs were not rare or uncommon, but well known to the people who lived with the dinosaurs.


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