Monday, June 27, 2005

New Jewish Group Forms to Fight Anti-Christian Bias

Attacks on Christianity have led to the formation of a group of defenders of the faith -- that is, Jewish defenders of the Christian faith.

According to Boston radio talk-show host, author and commentator Don Feder, the recently organized "Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation" (JAACD) was formed to respond to negative criticism and attacks against Christians, and to combat prejudice against that group in Hollywood, the news media, academia, politics and the courts. The group primarily exists, he explains, to educate the public about the "toxic nature of what has been called the last acceptable form of prejudice."

Feder is president of JAACD, which was organized, he says "because a group of Jewish Americans -- authors, scholars, columnists, radio talk-show hosts, people in the media and politics -- decided that it was important for Jews as Jews to speak out against anti-Christian bias and discrimination." The Jewish organization recognizes the value of the support the Christian community has shown Israel throughout the years and wants to express general solidarity with those who hold to biblical values as followers of Jesus. Feder says JAACD came about because its members understand that "Christians are the last remaining obstacle to the moral deconstruction of America."

Read the complete story: Jews Fight Anti-Christian Bias


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