Saturday, December 03, 2005

I Love My Religion

I heard someone who claimed to be a "Christian" talking on the radio the other day, and they said, "I love my religion." Their religion supposedly has the only way to heaven. It was has rituals that calm the soul, religious orders dedicated to serving God, and places to go to experience quiet solitude. But this Christian had totally missed the point... he didn't understand why he was calling him,self a Christian.

It's not about religion. Religion is created by man.

It's about Jesus.

There are Jews who trust Christ as their savior and are saved. There is even a group called Jews For Jesus.

There are Muslims who trust Christ, and worship him in a mosque.

It's not about religion. It's about Jesus Christ. John chapter 14 tells us we need to love Christ, not our religion. Love Christ. That's what it is about. Whether you are Baptist, Four Square, or attend a non-denominational community church--it's not about your church. It's about Christ. We may worship him in different ways, but all who trust in him for their salvation are part of the one church--the body of Christ.


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