Thursday, November 17, 2005

Major Discovery! Dinosaurs Ate Grass!

Dinosaurs May Have Eaten Grass

Is this big news? You bet it is. It was previously thought that grass did not evolved until over 10,000,000 years after the dinosaurs became extinct. But scientists got a "big surprise" when the analyzed sauropod dung from India. It contained microscopic particles of silica called phytoliths that show that these dinosaurs ate grass.

Why wasn't this discovered sooner? Because "everybody" knows that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago, long before grass evolved. It was common knowledge--although if they had read the Bible they'd have noticed that God created grass on day three:

"The God said, "Let the land burst forth with every sort of grass and seed bearing plant." - Genesis 1:11

And they would have noticed that God created land animals, which would include the dinosaurs, on day six. So there was grass around for dinosaurs to eat. It really should not have been a surprise at all. The problem is that, because some people think they already know the answer--the earth is millions of years old and there is no possible other answer--they only look for evidence that supports their belief. They don't bother to look for grass in dinosaur poop because they know it can't be there... until they actually do look.

Once again science must change because of new evidence, but the Bible never needs to be updated because it comes from the one who created everything and He knows exactly what He did.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been noticing that more and more information is coming out that supports the Biblical view of creation. I'm happy to see that you are talking about it here. I agree, this stuff had not been discovered before because we thought we knew all the answers so no one looked. It is encouraging to read that some people are now looking.

Friday, November 18, 2005 7:47:00 AM  

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