Saturday, November 14, 2015



Is it Christian or false teaching? Many Christian reviewers have panned the Jesus Calling book as taking an unbiblical approach to presenting devotions. On the other hand, many readers lavish praise on Jesus Calling saying that it has helped them through tough times. The new book “RUN! It’s Jesus Calling” provides an in-depth look at this hugely popular devotional, comparing both the approach that has been taken in writing it, as well as its content, with the truth of scripture.

“I've been surprised that people focus on 'good' feelings they get from Jesus Calling and just soak up the unbiblical teaching.” said author Steve Hudgik. 

When asked to give a specific example Steve pointed out the July 3rd devotional talks about Jesus acquitting us through his blood. “What does it mean when someone is acquitted?” Steve asked. “It means they have been declared innocent. If we have been acquitted, why did Jesus die to pay the penalty for crimes we never committed? Jesus did not die to acquit us, He died to pay the penalty for our sin—our breaking God's law. We are not innocent. We are guilty, and Jesus' blood redeemed us. He paid our penalty so that we can go free. As Paul states in Galatians 1:8, let the one who preached this false gospel be accursed!”

Steve's new book, “RUN! It’s Jesus Calling” does what no one else has done. It takes a comprehensive look at “Jesus Calling,” comparing it step-by-step with scripture. Is this the real Jesus of the Bible? Are the messages Biblical? Is this a Biblical devotional book or a book we should run from?

“RUN! It’s Jesus Calling” also looks at the unique approach taken in writing this devotional book. For example, it is written in the first person with Jesus speaking. Is this sinful or is it acceptable? How does putting the words of this devotional on the lips of Jesus reflect on the character of God?
Steve pointed out that, “The best way to know the counterfeit from the real, is to be thoroughly familiar with the real. That's why the final third of “RUN! It's Jesus Calling” presents the real Jesus by going through Jesus' words in the Beatitudes.”

Taking a positive approach of showing the true Biblical meaning of each topic, “RUN! It’s Jesus Calling” covers:

• The Presence of God
• God’s Peace
• Trusting God
• Spiritual Leadings
• Is Scripture Sufficient?
• Does God’s Word Change?
• Finding Real Peace
• How To Be Blessed
• Characteristics of False Teaching
• What’s The Big Deal About The Cross?

“RUN! It's Jesus Calling” answers the key questions we should all be asking before reading the Jesus Calling devotional or giving it as a gift.

The author, Steve Hudgik, is the pastor of Cannon Beach Bible Church ( in Oregon, and is the executive director of the Move To Assurance ministry (

Book Information:

ISBN: 978-1517766863
$11.95 Retail
Softbound, approx. 160 pages
Available on Amazon: RUN! It's Jesus Calling

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Saturday, November 07, 2015


Our new book RUN! It's Jesus Calling has just been released and is available on Amazon.

We have a companion web site called NOT JESUS CALLING. If you have a story you can tell about Jesus Calling, please go to this web site and use the online form to share your story. We'll be collecting stories to use in future book, articles, and on the web site. Both positive and negative stories are welcome.

Also, if you have any comments about RUN! It's Jesus Calling please feel free to use the form on the web site for those comments also. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

And be sure to get your copy of RUN! It's Jesus Calling, available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle versions.

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RUN! It's Jesus Call

Have you heard about this new book? 

RUN! IT'S JESUS CALLING reveals the truth about the Jesus Calling devotional book.  Does it preach a true or false gospel? Is this the real Jesus? Is what Jesus Calling teaches Biblical? Get the facts and learn how to discern Biblical true from the almost (but not quite) truth that leads you away from the true Jesus.

Now available on Amazon: RUN! It's Jesus Calling
is available in paperback and Kindel editions.

This is the book to read BEFORE you give Jesus Calling as a Christmas gift. Be sure you know what you are giving. You'll be glad you did.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

This Blog Has Moved!

This blog has moved to be located on the Move To Assurance web site.

The text from many of the posts here on Blogger have been deleted and relocated to the new location. All of the comments have also been moved.


Saturday, March 05, 2011

What Makes Someone A Christian?

Our film crew spent some time on the streets asking people how someone becomes a Christian. We encountered a few Christians who knew, but not one non-Christian understood how someone becomes a Christian, or what a Christian is.

What is a Christian? Someone who believes in Christ? No. Even the demons know Christ and they tremble in fear.

How does someone become a Christian? Get baptized? No. You are born as a Christian? No. Go to church? No. Say a prayer? No, none of these. There is actually nothing you can do to become a Christian. Nothing.

You become a Christian when you recognize you have broken God's laws. When you recognize that Jesus Christ is God - the one and only God who created the heavens, the earth and you. When you turn away from breaking God's laws and toward obeying God. When you trust that Jesus Christ died to pay the penalty for your sins (breaking God's law) and that He rose from the dead, showing us the path we'll be following. This also defines what a Christian is... someone who believes this.

Where does this belief... this trust in Jesus come from? It is a gift from God. It is free. You don't have to do anything. That is how much God loves you. He died, paying the penalty for everything you've done wrong, and He gives this to you as a free gift. Say yes to this gift.

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Friday, September 03, 2010

NEW LOCATION - This blog has moved

This blog is now located:

Friday, December 25, 2009

Laws Of Logic Show God Exists - The God Of The Bible

Where do the laws of logic come from? The law of non-contradiction, for example. Can there be two contradictory claims that are both true? How do you know this law of logic to be true? From your experience? But your experience is very limited... you have not been everywhere in the universe. You don't know everything. Possibly, at some other location in the universe it is possible for two opposites to be true and the law of contradiction does not apply.

The laws of logic only make sense in a Christian world-view, not in a universe in which everything came about because of random chance (evolution). The laws of logic are a reflection of the way God thinks. We know how He thinks because He has told us in the Bible. For example, the law of non-contradiction comes from God's self-consistent nature. And since God is constantly upholding the universe (Hebrews 1:3), a Christian knows that the law of non-contradiction applies throughout the universe... everywhere. A Biblical Christian has a basis for knowing the laws of logic are real and true. No one else can say that... and in fact any argument attempting to justify belief in the laws of logic will be based on Biblical principles.

A good book to read on this is "The Ultimate Proof Of Creation" by Dr. Jason Lisle

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Give The People Bread And Circuses

Have you noticed how our "representative" leaders are accomplishing their goals? It has nothing to do with solving the problem or even reality. They are using the same technique the mafia uses. Through threads of harm or by paying off the opposition. Threats of harm mean threats of lawsuits or destruction of someone's reputation - essentially taking away they life they had. For example, this has been used a lot to get pharmaceutical companies to give support to health care reform. It is also being used against the CIA and justice department attorneys from the Bush administration. The payoffs are easier to see. The latest is the Senator from Nebraska holding out on supporting the Reid health care bill until Nebraska is given extra money (a pay off). Or President Obama promising future payments of $100,000,000,000 per year to other countries, if they support reduction of carbon emissions. Nothing but another payoff. And since others now recognize this is the way Obama works, they won't agree to what Obama wants until they get their share of YOUR money. That's where the money comes from. Your pocket.

I read something interesting a while ago. A survey showed that when asked where the government gets their money, about 45% said, "They have their own money." What's especially interesting is that about the same percentage of people pay very, very low levels of taxes. Let's get in touch with reality!! The government doesn't have any money. All of it comes out of YOUR pocket.

This is why the way the Bible sets up government and taxation everyone pays taxes.

This is also why in the Bible representation of the people is set up on a household basis, not an individual basis. Only those who have a stake in the outcome have the right to decide on the laws that control the outcome.

You will be paying more for health care. You will be paying BIG TIME for reducing carbon emissions. But don't worry, you will still have TV.

Roman poet Juvenal wrote in the first century: give the people bread and circuses and they will never revolt. What was true then is still true today... unless we turn to God.

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