Saturday, November 14, 2015



Is it Christian or false teaching? Many Christian reviewers have panned the Jesus Calling book as taking an unbiblical approach to presenting devotions. On the other hand, many readers lavish praise on Jesus Calling saying that it has helped them through tough times. The new book “RUN! It’s Jesus Calling” provides an in-depth look at this hugely popular devotional, comparing both the approach that has been taken in writing it, as well as its content, with the truth of scripture.

“I've been surprised that people focus on 'good' feelings they get from Jesus Calling and just soak up the unbiblical teaching.” said author Steve Hudgik. 

When asked to give a specific example Steve pointed out the July 3rd devotional talks about Jesus acquitting us through his blood. “What does it mean when someone is acquitted?” Steve asked. “It means they have been declared innocent. If we have been acquitted, why did Jesus die to pay the penalty for crimes we never committed? Jesus did not die to acquit us, He died to pay the penalty for our sin—our breaking God's law. We are not innocent. We are guilty, and Jesus' blood redeemed us. He paid our penalty so that we can go free. As Paul states in Galatians 1:8, let the one who preached this false gospel be accursed!”

Steve's new book, “RUN! It’s Jesus Calling” does what no one else has done. It takes a comprehensive look at “Jesus Calling,” comparing it step-by-step with scripture. Is this the real Jesus of the Bible? Are the messages Biblical? Is this a Biblical devotional book or a book we should run from?

“RUN! It’s Jesus Calling” also looks at the unique approach taken in writing this devotional book. For example, it is written in the first person with Jesus speaking. Is this sinful or is it acceptable? How does putting the words of this devotional on the lips of Jesus reflect on the character of God?
Steve pointed out that, “The best way to know the counterfeit from the real, is to be thoroughly familiar with the real. That's why the final third of “RUN! It's Jesus Calling” presents the real Jesus by going through Jesus' words in the Beatitudes.”

Taking a positive approach of showing the true Biblical meaning of each topic, “RUN! It’s Jesus Calling” covers:

• The Presence of God
• God’s Peace
• Trusting God
• Spiritual Leadings
• Is Scripture Sufficient?
• Does God’s Word Change?
• Finding Real Peace
• How To Be Blessed
• Characteristics of False Teaching
• What’s The Big Deal About The Cross?

“RUN! It's Jesus Calling” answers the key questions we should all be asking before reading the Jesus Calling devotional or giving it as a gift.

The author, Steve Hudgik, is the pastor of Cannon Beach Bible Church ( in Oregon, and is the executive director of the Move To Assurance ministry (

Book Information:

ISBN: 978-1517766863
$11.95 Retail
Softbound, approx. 160 pages
Available on Amazon: RUN! It's Jesus Calling

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