Fools, Fools and More Fools
More than 100 heads of state and government have said they will attend the last day or two, making Copenhagen the largest and most important summit ever held on climate.
"Never in the 17 years of climate negotiations have so many different nations made so many firm pledges together," de Boer said. "It's simply unprecedented."
Some were arriving to the summit on trains splashed with a green stripe to symbolize efforts to reduce the convention's carbon footprint. One train carried 450 U.N. officials, delegates, climate activists and journalists from Brussels and more trains were leaving from other European capitals."
I conversations I've been having for the past two weeks I've been saying that the truth doesn't matter. Man-caused global warming has been disclosed as a fraud, but that makes no difference. You think your government exists to serve and protect you... ha! ha! ha!When the global warming emails came out, conservatives were saying the Copenhagen conference was dead. The truth had been revealed! Common sense would prevail and the world would finally back away from the starvation, disease, and poverty that was about to be unleashed by efforts to control man-made "global warming."
Her is a clue. When things are not making sense, it's a spiritual battle. We are not engaged in a battle of reason and logic. We are not engage in a battle of common sense and truth. It is a spiritual battle in which lies, deception and blindness are the powerful weapons of the enemy. It is a battle that cannot be won with human reason or strength. It is a battle that can only be won by the word of God.
Are you in the word? Are you living the word? Are you obeying the word? Are you in the battle... yes you are whether you want to be or not. So what are you going to do?
Labels: american culture, global warming, poverty, recession, satan
It must be convenient to be able to write off global warming so easily. It means that you, like so many other American 'Christians' don't have to take any kind of action or change your lifestyles at all.
Following Jesus used to mean an extraordinary life reversal. It meant that you stopped trying to fit into society and started living in a culture that was totally OPPOSITE (sorry, no other way to emphasize) everything and everone else around you.
So why do American 'Christians' feel so threatened by the thought of living in a non-Christian nation? Of course you don't live in a Christian nation. No one ever has. Christ did not come to build a Kingdom on earth.
So, when you become a follower of Christ, something should change. And one of those things is probably going to become taking public transport whenever you can, because global warming is not just a myth. You know who it really affects, though? The poor, especially those in the Third World countries who are dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods--agriculture that is immensely threated by the climate changes happening.
Jesus cared about the poor a whole heck of a lot more than the majority of America does. But how can we care, when we're so busy exploiting them?
Look, do you honestly want to be a Christian who can leave a mark on America? Stop being bothered about what politicians do and say, and start living out a real, authentic and RELEVANT faith. Start thinking about what you buy, what resources you use, where your food comes from, etc. Are you a vegetarian? If not, did you know how much more of the world's resources it takes to produce meat for food than it does to grow soybeans & other legumes, grains, vegetables, etc.? And how that results in so much less to go around while the US continues to consume far more than its share?
We harm our brothers and sisters by our thoughtless actions. Get out of politics. Be real., thank you for your comments.
Yes, people are radically changed when saved by Jesus. But the change is not one toward following the "wisdom" of mankind -- which often is wrong. It is a change toward desiring to follow the wisdom of God. Along with that comes a desire for the truth, and that's why many Christians don't believe in man-caused global warming. It doesn't pass the truth test. It doesn't match the facts. What it does match is a political agenda to impose even more government rule on people, which also is in opposition to the Biblical mandate the Bible gives to government. There is a lot that is very wrong and harmful about the global warming movement.
BTW, why did God come to earth 2,000 years ago? The answer is in Luke 19:10. Jesus didn't come to help the poor. For example, the purpose of His miracles was not to give the poor to have something physical.
Yes, Christians are commanded to give to the widow, orphan and stranger in the land. Christians are also supposed to help the poor (they are not the same as widows, orphans and strangers in the land) by giving them an opportunity to work so they can earn their food.
But these are not the reasons Jesus came. Please read the Bible. The Book Of John is a good place to start. It's all about showing Jesus is God who came to earth to save you.
I'll agree with you that Jesus came to save souls of all, not focus on helping the poor in physical ways--however, that was not the point I made. The point that I made was that He cared about them very deeply, although of course that is not only true of the poor.
But if you think that God turns a blind eye to injustice and the exploitation of the weak and poor, you need to re-read your Bible as well, my friend. Read some of the prophetic books in the Old Testament. There's a lot in there that's very relevant both to America and to the global economy today.
Furthermore, we are quite clearly commanded to be good stewards of all the things God has given us, whether those things are time, wealth, Creation, etc. etc. The lifestyles I was arguing about are at their heart issues of stewardship. Is it good stewardship to regularly consume meat in our current system of animal agriculture when there is a global food crisis? Is it good stewardship to refrain from making the small sacrifice of taking public transport (when viable) to conserve money & resources? Is it good stewardship to buy products produced by sweatshop labor, or shop at expensive chains over thrift stores?
I'm honestly not trying to follow the wisdom of the world--you made a very good point there. The wisdom of the world right now is to consume just as much, but do the trendy little things to "go green", like using a reusable thermos instead of a to-go cup when ordering a drink at Starbucks. Although there is nothing wrong at all with that, it is not the kind of mindset change needed. It doesn't involve the big picture. My point being, the wisdom of the world right now is to make individual responsibility obsolete in favor of governmental regulation (of the sort you rightfully (to an extent) decry, and only make minor, stylish changes to the way we live instead of truly stepping up to the plate and doing our part.
I don't want Christians to act like the world. Quite the opposite--my first two paragraphs in my first post lamented just HOW MUCH they look/act/sound like the world. We need to do so much more than that.
"Jesus For President", "Hot, Flat, And Crowded", "Jesus Wants To Save Christians", and "Pathologies Of Power" are all excellent books I'd recommend to you. They all deal with different aspects of these issues and are quite thought-provoking. Please do consider giving them a look.
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