Homosexuality and Free Speech
Not only are we involved with the issue of homosexuality here on the internet, we are involved individually and locally through our church.
Free Speach: We freely give homosexual activists the freedom to express their views. In my opinion I think we go much to far in what we allow gay activists to do. For example, in the name of free speech some gay rights parades are allowed to have public nudity and the public acting out of sexual activities. That's way out of line. Are we given those same rights in return? Not even close.
Free Speach For All? This past friday evening our church allowed the Defense of Marriage coalition to put up three signs favoring a yes vote on a ballot measure, which defines marriage as between one man and one woman. The signs were put up at 6:30pm friday evening. By sunday morning they had been torn down.
Those who oppose the Bible also oppose basic American values such as free speech. Free speech for them is that for them anything goes. But those who oppose them may have free speech only as long as they agree with the homosexual agenda. I ask those of you who have homosexual desires--I put it this way to distinguish between homosexual activitists and those who are trying to live their lives as best they can--is this the America you truly want to live in?
Free Speach: We freely give homosexual activists the freedom to express their views. In my opinion I think we go much to far in what we allow gay activists to do. For example, in the name of free speech some gay rights parades are allowed to have public nudity and the public acting out of sexual activities. That's way out of line. Are we given those same rights in return? Not even close.
Free Speach For All? This past friday evening our church allowed the Defense of Marriage coalition to put up three signs favoring a yes vote on a ballot measure, which defines marriage as between one man and one woman. The signs were put up at 6:30pm friday evening. By sunday morning they had been torn down.

Those who oppose the Bible also oppose basic American values such as free speech. Free speech for them is that for them anything goes. But those who oppose them may have free speech only as long as they agree with the homosexual agenda. I ask those of you who have homosexual desires--I put it this way to distinguish between homosexual activitists and those who are trying to live their lives as best they can--is this the America you truly want to live in?
Not only are you homophobic - you can't spell. Do you think America's moral values are safe in your intellectually limited hands?
Also worrying is the importance you place on stopping gays getting married, while neglecting wars killing people every day... surely people dying violently is more important than a couple of poofs opening wedding presents?
If stopping war is so important to you, why are you bothering to fight for gay marriage? Why aren't you putting 100% of your efforts into bring about peace? Aren't other people's lives more important than your own self-centered desires?
It's obvious the issue isn't really gay marriage. The true issue is homosexual activists forcing not only America in general, but Christians in particular, to accept homosexuality as good and right and moral. There is nothing homosexuals can't do right now, that marriage will allow. What you don't have is the stamp of moral correctness that marriage brings. That's what this is all about.
Absolutely, lives are more important than my self-centered desires. If I was a better person I would put more effort into bringing about peace. But this is not about me, it's about you and your fascist views.
It's not about homo activists forcing you to do anything, it's about you trying to deprive others of the rights you enjoy on the basis of some perceived difference. Today it's because of a different sexual orientation. It could just as well be that they're a different sex, a different skin colour, or live in a different country.
As long as you continue to deny people's innate humanity, and see them in abstract terms you'll still have something to hate. If that's what it takes to get you through the night then good luck to you. Fortunately not everyone is scared of those different to themselves.
The lengths that dimwits like you will go to to convince themselves that they're better, that they're in the 'in-crowd' never cease to amaze me. In your case you've dedicated hours of work to telling the world that you're better than gays - all justified by a christian moral framework and random quotes from the bible. Who cares? If gays want to get married who cares? If they want to live in sin - who cares? I know plenty of heterosexuals who bring the institute of marriage into disrepute, but that doesn't seem to feature on your radar, because you're in the hetero group, trying to feel better about yourself. So my point - in case you missed it - is "Who cares?"
Only you... because as long as you've got something to look down upon you won't have to look at yourself.
Thank you for your additional comments. I appreciate your willingness to express your view. Your opinions are welcome here.
I was really sorry to see you start your comments by proving my point. You start by attacking/name-calling using hateful words. Words picked because of the emotional hate they carry, not because of what they mean. For example, what does "fascist" mean?
According to the dictionary: "A political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and race and stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition." -Merriam-Webster
As I've been poiting out, it's the homosexual activitists who are forcibly suppressing the opposition (for example, destroying our signs). It's the homosexual activists who want severe social regimentation: only their beliefs are acceptable. Christians don't exalt nation, we exalt God above all. And Christianity is the only religion that accepts all nations and races. So who is, in truth, closer to being a fascist?
You try to change the subject to nationality and race. There is no relationship between those and what homosexual activists are trying to. Homosexuals are not economically persecuted as were blacks, Irish and Chinese. The fact is homosexuals are, as a group, significantly better off economically than the average American. Homosexuals are not subject to arrest for drinking from the wrong water fountain. To equate what homosexual activists are doing with the Civil Rights movement is an insult to black Americans.
However, the key difference is that a black person can't change their skin color. The Irish or Chinese could not change their heritage. But that's not true for homosexuality. Homosexuals can change--thousands have. Homosexuality has been scientifcally proven not to be a trait, but to be behavior/habit that can be changed. Homosexually has a cause, and curing homosexuality mainly involves understanding that cause, and coming to grips with it.
The problem is that homosexuals are denying their humanity, which is why there is so much suffering in the homosexual community (for example, depression).
I've never heard a Christian claim to be better than someone with homosexual desires. We are all equally sinners. The Bible says that he who has broken the least of God's laws has broken them all. You are no different than I am.
Here is what we've had on our web site for a long time concerning the Christian response to homosexuality:
You accuse us of ignoring the problem of divorce. Yes, the America church has problem here, which is one of the reasons for our ministry (we deal with the problem of American Christians not behaving like Christians). We deal with the divorce issue head on:
Why do we care about homosexual marriage? Because this issue is not about marriage. It's about forcing acceptance of sinful behavior on us as being acceptable, by putting the marriage stamp of approval on it. It's about forcing acceptance of the sin of homosexuality as good, and right and acceptable--when the truth is that homosexuality is a sin, that like all sin, keeps people separated from God.
You accuse me of hate. What I feel when I think about you, and those with homosexual desires, is sadness, love and hope. Sad because of what homosexuals are doing to themselves--medically and mentally--as well as spiritually. Loving because we are all God's valuable creations, and God loves each of us. Hopeful because I know through personal experience that God's grace can extend to anyone--His arms are open and waiting for you.
You couldn't be more wrong - i don't hate you, i don't have strong feelings about you one way or the other. Your views, however are another matter. You may feel that i used 'fascist' in an emotive sense, but i intend precisely the meaning you have looked up.
Cristianity is a political movement. You may argue otherwise, but only if you remain agnostic towards contemporary american politics. Try to find a political issue that the church does not weigh in on.
Your entire blog is dedicated to america. You've repeatedly cast the aims of homosexuals as anti-american. You're quite clearly exalting your nation and race. What you're also clearly doing is inciting supression - in this case by advocating that homosexuals should not be allowed to marry.
Your assertion about christians accepting all other religions rings particularly hollow, especially today. I would not want to be a muslim trying to get ahead in america - your rhetoric covers all the bases but has no basis in reality.
I am not sure what the root of your fixation on homosexuality is - but i think you should take a step back from your situation. You put up a sign telling people to vote no on gay marraige. That's a public action. Furthermore, it could be easily seen as hate-mongering.
The sign was destroyed, and you've taken this as evidence of the bad moral make-up of homosexuals as a group. There are so many holes in your logic i'm surprised that you manage to get out of bed in the morning. Do you know who destroyed the sign? Do you have a reason to believe that the people who destroyed your sign are representative of the gay population? How did you reach your conclusions about gays and their moral character? I suspect if you look at it it's got very little to do with the sign that got destroyed.
I think you need a couple of reality-checks.
Firstly, if you make a public action, expect a public response. It may not be in the manner you prefer, but you are never going to be able to dictate to others how they should respond.
Secondly, you seem to have drawn a clear line in the sand seperating what you see as right and wrong. You base your assessment of moral values on the bible, but that does by any means make the issue clear-cut. For example, disparate christian groups base their arguments for and against the following issues on the bible: contraception, euthanasia, use of medicines, drinking, drug use, divorce, and racism.
You most likely have your mind firmly made up about these and other issues, but the bible is sufficiently long and varied that people have been able to use quotes from it to justify positions for, and against these issues. People who actually think the bible is the word of god can have widely different opinions. You should realise that your opinion is just one of many, and not necessarily fact just because you can back it up with a quote or two.
So, at the risk of repeating myself, i just want to say: Who cares? If gays want to get married who cares? If they want to live in sin - who cares? You do. You have targetted them, you feel morally superior to them, and it gets you off.
Wrapping up now - i am not harboring any illusions that you will change your mind or accept any input contrary to your view on this matter. You clearly abandoned logic to get to your current viewpoint. Your mission as mandated in the bible is to proselytize. This does not lend itsself to open-mindedness, in fact christians are notoriously close-minded when it comes to alternative points of view. Your objective is to convert others with your message, listening to them is not part of your repertoire.
So why do i bother? Not sure.. anyway, thanks for the love, the hope, and the misguided sadness you feel for me. I have a gay family member who has more than once borne the brunt of hate peddled by people like you. I will tell him that your god is waiting to welcome him with open arms - i'm sure that will make him feel better about being wheelchair-bound. The only difference between you and the guy who beat him is one of degree, the lengths you are prepared to go to to hurt those different to you.
You preach love and tolerance in broad strokes, but the core of your doctrine is that some people are right, while others are wrong and deserve punishment. It's a false and dangerous message.
You've covered many topics in your last comment, and to respond to them all would result in this comment section being very long. Since they are topics that can be discussed individually, I have responded through a number of new postings to this blog. That way there can be specific comments, by you or others, on each topic. If I've missed responding to something you feel is important, please point it out and I'll be happy to respond.
I am very sorry to hear about your family member who was beat up and as a result disabled. That is not right, not acceptable to God, and something that should never have happened. I hope that the person or people who did were caught and are receiving their just consequences of their actions. They most certainly will face consequences when they stand before Jesus Christ.
I also have a family member who is homosexual. And I have personally been the subject of violence perpetrated by homosexuals. My experience happened in 1972, in the evening as I was returning to my parent's home from the Eastern States Exposition. At the time I drove an old Ford van with the engine located between the driver and passenger seats. It had no seats in the back.
Just before I pulled onto the highway going north, I picked up three hitchhikers. One sat on the engine, one sat in the passenger seat and one was kneeling on the floor behind me. I had not driven far when the person beside me and the one behind me started rubbing my arm and neck. At first I was puzzled and then I asked them to stop. Their reply was, "We thought you picked us up to have sex with us." I told them I wasn't interested. They then asked me to drive them into what I considered an unsafe part of Springfield. I said, no, but I'd leave them off as close as I could. The next thing I knew the person behind me had a knife at my throat. (I still have the scar.) They insisted I take them where they wanted to go. At the time I was young and didn't know what to do. So I stopped the van in the middle of the highway, attempting to block a lane and part of another (my thought was to draw attention to the van). They told me to get moving. I leaned on the horn, which was probably a stupid thing to do, but their reaction was to jump out and run off.
Do I hate homosexuals because of this? No. They were thugs. Just like there are heterosexual thugs, there are also homosexual thugs. At the time homosexuality was not a public issue. I had lived in a dorm at UMass where there were people all around me living all types of alternative lifestyles. The three guys in the dorm room next to mine where homosexual, and it didn't even register in my thoughts as being anything to take note of. (We had some great late-night discussions about philosophy.) I saw homosexuals as I see them now, as people--no different than you or I. Where I start to see a difference is when anyone starts spouting hate, personal character assignation, violence against other people or property, and trampling on the rights of others. For me, if they identify their actions as being in the cause of homosexuality, that puts them in a category of homosexual activist. If they don't identify what they are doing with the cause of homosexuality or any other cause, then I see them as just plain self-centered, hate-filled, angry people. I see anyone who does this (white supremacists for example) in the same light. They are people who need our prayers.
P.S. Did I stop picking up hitchhikers? No. I just picked up a hitchhiker last weekend. I believe Jesus would pick up hitchhikers, so I do also. However, I have been more careful since that experience in 1972. I don't pick up people late at night.
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