Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Returning From Camp

Does a fish know it's wet?

We are so immersed in our culture that we don't recognize unbiblical behavior because it seems "normal" to us.

Spend a couple weeks at a Boy Scout summer camp, and when you return the "real" world seems harsh and cruel. Camp is a safe environment were swearing is seldom heard and you don't need to worry about thieves stealing anything left unattended. At camp, if you need help, someone will help you. People are friendly, courtious and kind.

It reminds me of the revival that took place in the early 1900's. In Portland Oregon most of the downtown stores closed from 11am until 2pm so people would have time to pray. There was no crime, but many times the big revival meetings called the police -- and the police immediately responded by sending out a quartet. It turns out the police department had several quartets (for singing) that were excellent.

It's difficult for us to get out of our culture long enough so we can see how unbiblical it is. For example, try not watching TV for two or three months. Most people find that impossible to do. But, once you get away from it for a while, you can better see how revolting many of the shows are.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hear, hear! Good to see that you're back. Looking forward to future posts.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004 10:08:00 PM  
Blogger marinir seo said...

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