Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Christianity Is Unique

Its interesting to note that Christianity is the only religion in which mankind does not control god. All other religions are self-centered. They put mankind at the center and god must respond in certain ways based on what we do. All other religions are really worshipping man, not god.

Here's an example:

In all other religions what a person does on earth--how they behave--is how they get to heaven, paradise or nirvana. In other words, if you do certain things, through your efforts you will achieve "salvation". If you do certain things, GOD IS OBLIGATED to give you your "salvation". God has no choice in this. In order words, through your actions YOU determine what god must do.

This results in a small god. A god we can fully understand. It makes the creator of the universe as small as we are.

This is not true in Christianity. God is infinate and great beyond our imagination. He created the universe. We can not even imagine the vastness of the universe, let alone imagine what God is truly like. And God, the creator of the universe, is in control--not us. There is nothing we can do here on earth that will get us our salvation. We are saved because God has given us our salvation as a free gift when we believed.

Ah! You say. There it is. If you believe, you are saved. So there is something we do. Not really. Have you ever tried to make yourself believe in something you don't believe in? It's not something you can do. Either you believe or you don't. So, in Christianity, unlike all other religions, God is in control, not mankind.


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