Sunday, September 26, 2004

Homosexuality, And Now Polygomy

I've wanted to get off sexual topics and talk about some of the other parts of our culture that Satan is using to destroy America--and what we can do about it (pray). But circumstances don't seem to be allowing that. My time of late has been used up addressing the issue of polygomy. I haven't even had much time to write for this blog.

When the issue of gay marriage was pushed on us by activitist elected officials, it was said that if gay marriage were approved, then the next step would be polygomy. That next step is happening now.

At Mission to America we have been answering people's Biblical questions for about four years, and never once did the question of polygomy come up. In the past month it has become our #1 topic. Not only are we getting questions and comments from non-Christians who support polygomy, but we get emails from Christians who say:

I'm a married Christian who has been thinking about the issue of polygomy. Not only do I not find anything wrong with polygomy, but it seems like the ideal, Biblical parenting arrangement.

They go on to explain that if one man and one women in a marriage is good for raising children, then having many mommy's and daddy's is even better. And besides, don't we see all the great leaders in the Old Testament having many wives? Shouldn't we follow their example?

The answer is NO.

Because we've gotten so many similar questions we have set up a new section on our web site dedicated to polygomy. It answers these and other questions. It is at:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You believe the Bible, right?

The Christian thinking about polygomy makes a damn good point: all of the men in the Bible have multiple wives.

What I want to know is why many Christians feel the need to force their ideals on everybody else. For instance, the whole gay rights movement. What is so wrong with it, really? Other than religion, I can think of no reason why two men shouldn't be allowed to marry. You don't agree with gay marriage? Then don't have one and shut up. This country is based on freedom. Stop stomping around on everybody and let us be free. That, if nothing else, is a "God-given" right.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007 1:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what is so wrong with polygomy anyway? If all parties are consensual, why not allow it? Other than religion, I can't think of a reason to really outlaw it.

If you don't agree with polygomous marriage, don't have one. Problem solved.

How is it going to directly affect your life if a man has two or three wives? How will it directly affect your life if two men across the nation get married??

Tuesday, December 04, 2007 2:02:00 PM  
Blogger BrickBalloon said...

Thanks again for your commehnts, Jesi,

Please go back and read the Bible again. I assume you have read it in order to make a statement saying "all of the men in the Bible have multiple wives."

Very few of the men in the Bible have multiple wives. And all of those men did evil and wrong things in their lives. Moses was a murder. Jacob was a thief. King David was an adulter and murder. There is not one good man in the Bible... except for Jesus.

Yes, some men did have multiple wives. But that does not make it right. Just because the two greatest people in Biblical history were murders, Moses and David, that does not make murder right.

Chritians are not trying to force beliefs on anyone else. Christianity is the only religion that can nt be forced on anyone. What Christians are doing is fighting back against those who are forcing THEIR beliefs on Christians. We are being told that we must accept homosexuality as good. You are telling me that I must accept your beliefs about homosexuality. You are telling me that I must reject God and accept what YOU want me to accept. Marriage was created by God (see Genesis 2) and you are telling me that I must instead accept your beliefs about what God created.

No way.

Homosexuals can have everything they say they want, without marriage... except for one thing. Acceptance of their relationships (of their beliefs) as being good and acceptable to God. So it is not Christians who are trying to force beliefs on others, it is people such as yourself who are trying force their beliefs on Christians.

This country is supposed to be based on freedom, but not every has freedom any more. For example, I do not have freedom of speach instead of a privately owned building, when talking to my friends. If I say the wrong thing in that building (a church), there is a legal penalty to pay. I do not have the freedom of speach to write what I want in this blog. You can say anything you'd like. I can not, because the government will impose a penalty if I write the wrong thing.

Enjoy your freedom.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007 7:58:00 PM  
Blogger BrickBalloon said...

What is wrong with homosexual marriage? This time let's just look at this question from a temporal view and not a a spiritual viewpoint.

What is the most important institution civilation has?

It is marriage.

What is the purpose of marriage?

To protect, teach and raise children who are the future of that civilization.

Historical, and in study after study done in contemporary times, a family with a mother and a father (one man andone woman) has proven to be the best arrangement for nuturing and raising children.

Yes, there are anomolies. Sometimes mommy or daddy or both are not very good parents. Sometimes great children come from a single parent home. But, when you look at the kids who are in trouble today, the vast majority come from a broken home. There are still just a few studies, but when you look at the children coming from homosexual homes you see troubled kids who start drinking, drugs and sex at an early age. Yes, this is not true in every case. But we don't build a civilazation on exceptions.

We are already very close to anything goes related to marriage. Living together outside of marriage is common. Divorce is common. Adultery is common. Single parent homes are common. The institution of marriage is already shot full of holes... and people wonder why our culture has so many problems (most of which are masked by our huge wealth). There is not much left to marriage, BUT there is still something there. Homosexual marriage is aiming to take away that last bit of civilization left in marriage, and make it what you are promoting... anything goes. We all can do what is right in our own eyes, and what that does to everyone else makes no difference. (When you read the Bible make a speciual note of the Book of Judges and what happens when a people, as a nation, do what is right in their own eyes.)

You see, marriage is not just about what you want to do. Our relationships effect our society as a whole. History shows that it has always worked that way. When the morals of a civilization are lost, so also is that civilation lost. Do you want to solve the problems of drugs, homelessness, alcohol abuse, etc... then start with marriage because marriage is the foundation on which everything is built.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007 8:15:00 PM  
Blogger Edward Elkins jr. said...

I am certain the whole readon for monogomy is the righteousnesss of Love and Peace. The marriage of Christ to the church. His marriage is to our spirit which is neither male or female. The immorality of sexual relations with many woman divides the heart and pervades the relationship of Love.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009 11:59:00 AM  
Blogger BrickBalloon said...

Edwrd, thank you for your comment. You are right. The key to marriage is that it is a reflection of the relationship between Christ and His church. Homosexual marriage does not reflect this relationship. Only Biblical marriage, between one man and one women reflects the relationship between Christ and His church. But not only that, I believe it also is a tool God uses to sanctify us, bringing us closer to Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009 5:18:00 PM  

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