Were Dinosaurs On Noah's Ark?
Based on both the Bible and scientific evidence, the answer is yes.
In brief:
In the Bible at the end of day six God looked at what He had created and said it was "very good". A world with death, cancer (disease), violent fighting could not be called very good. Yet the fossil record shows that dinosaurs died, had cancer and fought with and eat each other. The Bible tells us that death did not enter the world until the fall, and that prior to that all animals, including dinosairs, were vegetarian. The Bible even physically describes dinosaurs, such as in Job 40:15-22.
Science also shows that men and dinosaurs lived at the same time. Dinosaur bones with red blood cells in them have been found in Montana. Red blood cells can only exists for thousands of years, not millions of years. Rock paintings made by American Indians show dinosaurs next to men and other animals that exist today. The dating methods that are used to place dinosaurs 100's of millions of years in the past have proven to be unreliable and inaccurate, such as dating newly formed rocks in Mt. St. Helens as being millions of years old.
Dinosaurs didn't live millions of years ago. There were dinosaurs at the time of Noah's flood and they were on the ark.
I have to be brief here. An excellent web site with detailed information is: Answers In Genesis
In brief:
In the Bible at the end of day six God looked at what He had created and said it was "very good". A world with death, cancer (disease), violent fighting could not be called very good. Yet the fossil record shows that dinosaurs died, had cancer and fought with and eat each other. The Bible tells us that death did not enter the world until the fall, and that prior to that all animals, including dinosairs, were vegetarian. The Bible even physically describes dinosaurs, such as in Job 40:15-22.
Science also shows that men and dinosaurs lived at the same time. Dinosaur bones with red blood cells in them have been found in Montana. Red blood cells can only exists for thousands of years, not millions of years. Rock paintings made by American Indians show dinosaurs next to men and other animals that exist today. The dating methods that are used to place dinosaurs 100's of millions of years in the past have proven to be unreliable and inaccurate, such as dating newly formed rocks in Mt. St. Helens as being millions of years old.
Dinosaurs didn't live millions of years ago. There were dinosaurs at the time of Noah's flood and they were on the ark.
I have to be brief here. An excellent web site with detailed information is: Answers In Genesis
I challenge anyone to present proof that the earth is millions of years old, or that dinosaurs died out before Noah's flood. These are "scientific" myths that are not supported by factual evidence.
What about the millions of rock layers with fossils? In places like the Grand Canyon we can see with our own eyes how sediment has been deposited over millions and millions of years. We can use the decay of radiation to date them, which clearly shows they are millions of years old. How can you dispute obvious things anyone can see???
What we see is in places like the Grand Canyon are not lots of rock layers laid down by a "small" anount of water over millions of years of time, but lots of rock layers laid down by a LARGE amount of water over a short amount of time. It's interesting to note that the topography of the Grand Canyon area looks like a huge earthen dam that held back a large lake. What happens when water starts to overflow an earth dam? It quickly cuts a steep walled canyon. This is what happened to create the Grand Canyon--except unlike man-made dams it happen on a GRAND scale.
The GRand Canyon also provides a good example of the problem with radiometric dating methods. All radiometric dating methods are based on the assumption that new rock is at a radiometric age of zero. (Plus there are many other assumptions I don't have room to discuss here.) But this assumption is not true. At the bottom of the Grand Canyon there is a lava flow that was uncovered by erosion, that has a radiometric date of about 100,000,000 years old. This lava must have hardened into rock before the layers of sediment forming the Grand Canyon were laid down, as it is buried under all ofthose layers.
There is another lava flow at top of the Grand Canyon that runs over the edge and flows down into the canyon. This lava flow happened recently as Indians have a verbal history describing it. However, radiometrtic dating of the lava flow at the top of the canyon give it an age of about 125,000,000 years! How can a lava flow on top of all those layers of sediment be OLDER than a lava flow under all the layers of sediment?
When you look at the facts... When you look at the complete story... the scientific evidence for an "old" earth does not exist.
how can creationalism be real if there is no scientific evidence that god exists???
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