Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Understanding The Trinity

We know that we are created in the image of God, and thus we reflect the characteristics of God -- although in a much reduced form than they are manifest in God. Thus we also reflect the Trinity.

The Trinity defines the various key roles of God.

God the Father provides direction.

God the Son obeys and does what God the Father says to do.

God the Holy Spirit knows both God's heart and our hearts and communicates information between God and us, as well as providing us with spiritual gifts.

For humanity the Trinity is reflected in God's creation of the family.

In my family I am the father of my children.

In my family I am the son of my parents.

In my family I am the husband of my wife.

I am three different people in that my actions and attitudes are different in each of the three above, yet I am one person.

But we are not God, so we are only a weak reflection of the Trinity of God. Remember, God can be everywhere at once. The Bible tells us that wherever two or three are gathered in His name, He will be there. This is called ominpresense. Thus there is no problem with God remaining in heaven as God the Father and being on earth as God the Son. Plus, at the same time, indewlling believers as God the Holy Spirit. God can be everywhere.


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